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Auneau-Bleury-Saint Symphorien (France)


In 2007 the partnership agreement was signed with the then municipal association C.C.B.A., but its 23 municipalities were transferred into new municipal associations as part of the French administrative reform at the beginning of 2016. The legal successor now responsible for our partnership is with effect from 01.01.2016 the new founded community association Auneau-Bleury-Saint Symphorien with appr. 6,000 inhabitants.

The administrative headquarters are still in Auneau, the town where the original partnership agreement was signed.

Our French partner municipality is located southwest of Paris in the Beauce and belongs to the Eure-et-Loir region: A wide fertile plain, which is also called the "granary of Paris". The landscape is mainly characterized by wide fields and meadows, you can see windmills, farms, churches and castles.


Some of the outstanding sights in the area that are definitely worth a visit include the city of Chartres with its famous cathedral, Maintenon Castle, Châteaudun with its famous caves and the old town of Bonneval, which is surrounded by a canal.
In addition to agriculture and livestock farming, well-known perfumers such as Guerlain or Lancaster or the agricultural machinery manufacturer Amazone are also based in this area.
The industrial area of ​​Auneau-Bleury-Saint Symphorien measures around 30 hectares.

2 castles and 4 churches as well as the nature reserves "Les Grands Marais de la Voise" and "La Pelouse Calcicole de Bonville" can be found directly in the community association of Auneau-Bleury-Saint Symphorien. Also impressive is Dagron Square, where markets take place and the Auneau cultural center is located. It houses changing exhibitions and a media library.


Partner in Europa Güglingen e. V.
Beate Eberhardt (1. Vorsitzende)
Otto-Linck-Str. 46
D-74363 Güglingen

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​Phone  ​+49 (0)7135 - 96 44 56
Mobile +49 (0)175 - 152 63 14


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